1. Introduction
2. Board Manual
3. Best Practices
- 3.0 Board Composition
- 3.1 Time Commitment
- 3.2 Director Compensation
- 3.3 Director Investment
- 3.4 Board and Management Responsibilities
- 3.5 Splitting the Roles of Chairman and CEO
- 3.6 Relationship Between Chairman and CEO
- 3.6.1 What the CEO Should Expect from the Board
- 3.6.2 What the Board Should Expect from the CEO
- 3.7 CEO Review Process
- 3.8 CEO Succession
- 3.9 Founder’s Syndrome
- 3.10 Authorization Levels
- 3.11 Risk Assessment
- 3.12 Strategic Planning
- 3.13 Whistle Blowing
- 3.14 Advisory Committees
- 3.15 Holding Management to Account
- 3.16 Board Review
- 3.16.1 Directors Matrix
- 3.17 Governance Practices by Stage of Growth
- 3.17.1 Summary Chart of Governance Practices
4. Board Meetings
- 4.0 Organizing a Board Meeting
- 4.1 Sample Board Agenda
- 4.2 Who Should Attend Board Meetings
- 4.3 Meetings of Independent Directors
- 4.4 Frequency of Board Meetings
- 4.5 Physical Presence or Teleconference
- 4.6 Philosophy of Board Meeting Minutes
- 4.6.1 Sample Board Meeting Minutes
- 4.7 Sample CEO Report to the Board
- 4.8 Sample CFO Report to the Board
- 4.9 Sample Report to the Board
- 4.10 Written Resolutions
- 4.11 Review of Resolutions by Legal Counsel
Director’s Matrix
CEO Report
CFO Report
Board Governance for Early Stage Technology Companies – complete
- Board Governance for Early Stage Technology Companies – complete (DOC)
- Board Governance for Early Stage Technology Companies – complete (PDF)
6. Articles Written by David Rowat
- 6.1 Boards are even more important for start-ups.
- 6.2 What Should Boards of Early Tech Companies Do ?
- 6.3 Directors Need to be on Common Ground.
- 6.4 Managing Fiduciary Duty – Charting the Course.
- 6.5 Steering the Ship of Fiduciary Duty in a Sea of Conflict.
- 6.6 When Does Management Cross the Line?
- 6.7 Should I Stay or Should I Go?
- 6.8 Less Minutes Equals Less Mischief.
- 6.9 You have my time – now you want my money too?
- 6.10 The Loneliness of the Corporate Secretary.
- 6.11 Judges or Mentors – Directors Must Lead
- 6.12 Duty of the CFO – to the CEO or Board?
- 6.13 Governance Practices by Stage of Growth for Early Stage Technology Companies.
- 6.14 Governance Practices at the Start-up and Angel Stages of Growth.
- 6.15 Governance Practices at the Venture Growth Stage.
- 6.16 How to Manouver a Successful Board Meeting.
Articles Written by Others<
- 7.1 Directors Who Don’t Deliver.
- 7.2 Conflicts in Directors Making Direct Loans to Companies.
- 7.3 8 Tips for Effective Boards.
- 7.4 Running More Effective Board Meetings at Startup.
- 7.5 How To Communicate with your Investors between Board Meetings.
- 7.6 The 4 Types of Advisers Every Startup Needs.
- 7.7 The Board’s Role in Facilitating and Supporting a Fundraising Process.